So much for hitting the shingles and red paint for our little coop on the first days of spring...
We recently had a very unwelcome Mr. Fox prowling around (killing 3 of our birds!) so we decided to step up the pace on what is most important: the fenced in run.

Builder/Dad dug holes and cemented in posts. Turned out the cement was too old and everything had to be re-dug!

Later, with the posts in super firm, cross bars were put in place. Since then I have been busy hardware cloth-ing the frames. Just to foil the sly fox (and anything else that tries a daytime dig) the fence material will stretch out 2' under the soil around the whole structure - just like the coop. No fox is getting a free meal here...

This weekend, after yet another trip to Home Depot, we should finish up this project and get on with the roof, etc, etc, etc...