The big fence has been completed and the new chicks are living inside the coop! Wow!
Also, blogger-mom just graduated from college, and we are expecting a new baby! Oh my, what a spring it has been!
The coop set-up, now flushed with spring greening, looks like the real thing.
This photo was taken two weeks ago - the new chicks are even bigger now! At a quick glance it is difficult to tell them apart from the Araucanas.
From our batch of 12 hatched, we ended up with three gray/blue, 5 hatched from Araucana eggs (now Ameraucana or "Easter Eggers") and 4 Wyandotte looking ones. I have a feeling that we are an even 6 males to 6 females, but we will wait a little while longer yet before finding new homes for the crowers.
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